It seems she likes bananas The next day i'm going on patrol with just Masumi to learn her the ropes Eventually Kimiko arrives in a car and wants us to get in. So she loses some steam on the shooting range (adult patch) Back at home I hear an intruder breaking in our home, it turns out Masumi and she's hungry again. The main menu Meet Kimiko, my assistant who's actually assigned to me to keep an eye on me and what I do On our way to the agent HQ We're at HQ, but alarms are going off We're hunting an entangler when it attacks Kimoko and rips her clothing, Kimoko starts conjuring a weapon to fight back (adult patch) The first of many board meetings where I have to explain my actions After another incursion happened we were overwhelmed by enemies, but this mysterious girl saved us Back at HQ we find out her name is Masumi and she's a rookie agent And she has been assigned to our unit Kimoko isn't happy out Masumi joining the team, she is probably jealous.